Yep, that's right. I am currently lying on my bed in a similar position. Move the arms up, and raise the head, and you've got me right now. Of course, to cough, I'm in full yoga mode. There's the exercise I've been missing this past week (ok, and the previous month...)!
Another side effect of this illness-- earlier bed time. In the past few years, I've had the "What in the world did we do after 10 pm every night in college??" conversation numerous times. I've upped the ante, folks: "What in the world did I do up after 9 last week??"... I am a grandma. A yoga-ing, sweat pant wearing grandma. And I'm embracing it. Bring on the bifocals!
Anyway, My boss went to the doctor last week because of a sinus infection. He gave her an antibiotic that has done nothing to heal her. She got a call today. The family went on vacation with her cousin a few weeks ago... He was diagnosed today with Pertussis (whooping cough). She's getting tested on Saturday to see if she has it. We're praying she doesn't (and that I don't) since there's a baby in the house. If she has it, I'll get tested. Until then, I'm quarantined.