So for Christmas I bought these awesome pens for the class. They slightly resemble these pens:

*found on
Each student got to pick the pen he or she wanted and we wrote names on them so everyone knew whose pen was whose. Amazingly enough, everyone used the same pen for about 3 weeks. Go team!
The first day they were in the classroom, we had a class discussion about what kind of birds they are. We went from flamingos to ostriches to turkeys in a matter of minutes. How in the world can you confuse flamingos and turkeys?? But, hey, if they want turkey pens, who am I to stop them?
Today, one of the pens died. And when I say "died," I mean "was decapitated." The entire class was devastated and wanted to have a funeral for poor Ernest. I said no and received the cold shoulder from them for the rest of the day. Okay, they got over it, but were still upset about the "improper burial."
*By improper burial, I mean he went into the trash. Not my idea, for the record.
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