Tuesday, April 5, 2011


I have 4 different stories I could tell you about today, but instead of boring you with all of them, I'm going to share my favorite. As he was "working" on his homework, I noticed that Mike* was chewing gum.

  • Me: "Mike. Go spit out your gum, please."

  • Mike: Gets up and walks to the trash can to spit out his gum. A few minutes later, I notice that there is still gum in his mouth...

  • Me: "Mike... I have already told you to spit out that gum! Why is it still in your mouth?"

  • Mike: *Cough. "Miss C. The gum isn't in my mouth."

  • Me: "Okay. Then throw away the gum that's now in your hand."

  • Mike: "Miss C. There's no gum in my hands." *Shows me empty hands

  • Me: "Mike, where is the gum?"

  • Mike: *Gives guilty grin and holds up a pen with a wad of gum attached to it.

  • Jared*: "Um... Mike, you can keep that pen. I don't want it back."
Why, yes, the pen did belong to another student. *Names have been changed.

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