In order to hold up my half of the deal I made with my sister (you know... The one where I'm writing a blog instead of a book), I must share stories from all aspects of my life-- not just my job. Several of these stories are years late, but I'm fairly certain my memory serves me well in these instances (you may notice that they're pretty hard to forget).
As I have said before, I often find myself in terribly awkward situations without any sort of warning. I also feel the need to inform you that I have often found myself on dates without realizing that they are actually dates. Call me naive, but I have always assumed that guys were interested in friendship with me because that's all I wanted. I cannot tell you how many times this has happened to me.
In fact, I somehow managed to go out with the same guy once a semester, every semester for three years in college without intending to. True story. Today I'm going to tell you about one of our outtings.
Let me preface this story by telling you that I went to a conservative Christian college that places a ridiculous emphasis on getting married to someone from school and having babies who will, in turn, go there for college. It was a great school, but students get pressure from every direction to fall in love and get married as soon as possible.
This particular day, D and I went to Starbucks to enjoy some coffee and catch up on what has happened to us in the past 4 months or so since we had gone out. Things were going pretty well until I realized that I had done it again... I was on another date with this kid! Every time I'd realize this, I'd get super awkward because I don't want to date him!
Somehow, our topic landed on all of my allergies (I have a lot of them. And they're weird). In the course of conversation, D found out that I'm allergic to cherries. When most people hear this, they make comments about ice cream sundaes with cherries on top or cherry pie. Yes, for the record, I do wish I could enjoy these things. However, I've adjusted to not eating them, and am happy eating other delicious fattening desserts. D felt terrible for me that I couldn't eat cherries... Not because I'm missing the best part of a sundae. Not even that I have to miss out on his delicious cherry pie. His first response when he found out I am allergic to cherries? "What are you going to do on your honeymoon?!?!?!"
Apparently, according to this man who I had just realized that I was chronically dating, I will miss out on one of the most important parts of a honeymoon...
Maybe that's why we didn't work out.
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