In college, I had a crush on my cousin's roommate. He was super attractive, I'm not gonna lie to you. He was also a really nice guy. I'm going to explain what happened between us as a baseball analogy, because it just seems like the best way to tell this story.
Strike 1- He had a girlfriend (the Facebook tells me that they are now married!)
Strike 2- I told him that I don't think he's funny. I heard that this is pretty bad to tell a man. In fact, I knew this before I told him. I am still not sure why I said it-- other than the fact that it was true.
Strike 3- He saw me in my footie pajamas. In public. This one deserves a story, so I'm going to share it with you.
That year in college, I was in a Bible study that had 4 girls in it. Every week, we had a different theme night (favorite Bible characters- I was Jesus, The Office- I was Phyllis, Richard Simmons night... You get the idea). Well, we found these awesome footie pajamas at Target and had to buy them and have a pajama night!

If I remember correctly, this theme night happened to be during finals week and I was super stressed about a final the next day. We decided to go (in our footie pajamas, of course!) to the only place that was open late to get some coffee-- Sheetz. There are two of this gas station near my apartment, and we decided to go to the one that was farther away from the school so we wouldn't run into anyone we knew...
We all piled into my car and drove to the gas station. We got out of the car and started walking in to the convenience store. Naturally, I saw this guy (the not-so-funny-but-super-cute one) as I entered. My instinct told me to run, so I whispered to my friends "that's him!" and took off for the car and did this fancy dive into the driver's seat. One of my friends, having no idea what I was doing but realizing that the one with the car keys had every intention of leaving, also took off running for the car and dove into the backseat. The other two stood at the door wondering what had just happened and waving for us to go back into the store. This happened to attract more attention. After a minute or two, we realized that he had, indeed, seen the whole incident, and went inside to get our coffee... I haven't spoken to him since that day, and am convinced that he will always remember me as the sprinter in the footie pajamas.
Did I mention that strikes 2 and 3 happened on the same day? Yep... That was a good day. I quickly realized that there was no hope for me and moved on.
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