Wednesday, January 12, 2011

One of THOSE Days...

I learned two things today, and I'd like to share them with you.

1) My hair will tell you at the end of the day what kind of day I've had. I have no idea how, but when I've had a bad day at work, my hair starts to fly in every direction, my bangs start to curl in a severely unnatural way, and my ponytail begins to rotate to the left side of my head. I have no control over this, and I am unaware that it's happening until I look in a mirror when I'm home. One of the few things about being in a long distance relationship: my boyfriend doesn't often witness this side of me.

2) Children are brutally honest. A third grade boy walked up to me at the end of the day today and emphatically informed me, "Man, Miss C... Your hair is a mess!" Thank you, child. You certainly know how to cheer a girl up.


  1. Bahahaha!!!!!!!!! Sorry you had a bad day, but this is funny :-). Love you, sister

  2. it IS a perk to being in a long distance relationship, isn't it! Sorry you had a bad day.

    (I hope it's ok if I follow your blog too. You crack me up.)

  3. Ps. Next time post a picture of this lovely hair style :-)

  4. Linda... No.

    Debby, I LOVE that you're following my blog! Yay!
