Monday, August 15, 2011

Just Call Me Nancy

Well, it's officially time to change the name of my blog... My days of teaching are over (at least for now). After a year and a half of hair loss and tears, I've decided to take a nanny position for a family at my church. Not 100% sure there will be less hair loss, but I think fewer cops will be involved (did I mention that my class was so bad last year that someone called the police on one of my students? It was an overreaction, but still... They're 10 years old. They should play with barbies and footballs, not fellow inmates and handcuffs). I'm sure being the nanny of a 3 year old boy will provide me with many laughs and stories.

I've got one more story about my days in Mexico. This one involves 3 boys (probably somewhere between the ages of 10 and 12).
All week I had seen kids running around eating this little yellow fruit. I had never seen it before, so every time they offered it to me, I'd say "No, gracias!" and they'd pop it into their mouths. Well, about half way through the week, these boys came up to me with a handful of nancies (this fruit) and offered me one. I said no, but they persisted this time. I finally gave in... And have regretted it every day since. It. Was. AWFUL. It was bitter and sour and gross. It still kinda makes me want to vomit a little bit. The boys LOVED my reaction and proceeded to offer me more nancies (every day for the rest of the week). My new nickname to these boys was Nancy. Seriously.

The next day, I went visiting with the missionary couple I was staying with. In the states, if someone offers you water, you expect them to bring you a glass of... Water. As an American, this makes sense to me. In Mexico, when someone offers you water, they bring you a glass of... Juice. I still don't know how to ask for a glass of water in Spanish. Anyway, this family offered me water and I said yes. The glass that was handed to me naturally had juice in it. Imagine my excitement when I took my first sip and learned that I was holding a glass of nancy juice!

I just wanted some water.

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